Intentsive clearing process still continues after abundant sediment
Intentsive clearing process still continues after abundant sediment
News contains an attached video
07 June 2016

City hall of Gori is involved in the intensive clearing works after abundant sediment in the City of Gori.  Weeper systems could not pass the sediment, which flooded central square and adjoining walking tracks. Though, after the intensive works of Emergency Management Agency water was pumped out on time. Intensive rain caused road metal and soil ablution on Sukhishvili Street, consequently, there was a traffic jam for awhile. Also the city was left without electricity for some time but rehabilitation process still continues. There were created two groups which monitor current work processes and helps the population to prevent any loss. Accordingly, there are current active works on Rustaveli and Stalini streets. City Hall representatives mentioned that rain intensity decreased which gives the possibility to work efficiently. There are City Hall and Emergency Management Agency representatives on every problematic location. The current work processes is coordinated by The active governor of Shida Kartli, Ioseb Okromelidze.          

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